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the better 30 day song challenge

--> he he he he

Day 1. Your favorite song.
Day 2. A song you always look for on jukeboxes.
Day 3. A song you like from a musical or childrens movie.
Day 4. A song by the last band you saw play live.
Day 5. A song you'd do at karaoke (if you did karaoke).
Day 6. A song that reminds you of a roadtrip.
Day 7. A song that you've called and requested on the radio.
Day 8. A song you always put on playlists/mixtapes.
Day 9. A song that makes you think of a friend.
Day 10. A song that makes you think of a parent.
Day 11. A song you only listen to by yourself.
Day 12. A song that gets stuck in your head (an earworm).
Day 13. A song that you loved as a little kid.
Day 14. A current song that you find annoying.
Day 15. A song you like by a singer who's dead.
Day 16. A song from the first album or single you ever bought.
Day 17. A song from the most recent album or single you've bought.
Day 18. A song you like that you first heard in a tv ad.
Day 19. A song you like that has no lyrics.
Day 20. A song you like by a singer/band you really don't like.
Day 21. A song you like that you learned about from a friend.
Day 22. A song you think is funny.
Day 23. A song that was your prom or graduation theme.
Day 24. A song you like that is loud and/or fast.
Day 25. A song you like that features a whistling part.
Day 26. A song you like that relies heavily on piano.
Day 27. A song you like that features a saxophone.
Day 28. A song you liked in the past that you don't like now.
Day 29. A song you didn't like in the past that you DO like now.
Day 30. A song you feel is all yours because not many people know it.

Ecrit par Donyale, le Mercredi 27 Juillet 2011, 16:52 dans la rubrique "the better 30 day song challenge".


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